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What is the difference between Array.length = 0 and Array =[]?


             Creates a new Array without affecting the older reference variables.


             Creates a new Array by affecting the older reference variables.


var foo = ['f','o','o'];
var bar = ['b','a','r'];
var foo2 = foo;
var bar2 = bar;

foo = []; //Creates a new Array without affecting the reference variable 
bar.length = 0; //Creates a new Array by affecting the reference variable
var foo3=foo; //Notice the difference for foo2 and foo3 
console.log("foo is",foo, "bar is",bar);
console.log("foo2 is",foo2,"bar2 is",bar2);
console.log("foo3 is:",foo3);

"foo is" Array [] "bar is" Array []
"foo2 is" Array ["f", "o", "o"] "bar2 is" Array []
"foo3 is:" Array [] 


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